State of the Underground 2024

Unveiling the depths of the cybercriminal underground

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In 2023, the world witnessed unprecedented developments in the behaviors and tactics of cybercriminals lurking within the shadowy confines of the deep and dark web. Our comprehensive annual report, the State of the Underground 2024, offers an unparalleled analysis of threat actor activities and reveals a disturbing trend towards increased professionalism and efficiency.

Cybercriminals are increasingly employing advanced tools and techniques with chilling precision, using generative AI and machine learning to automate attacks and enhance evasion tactics.

SOTU 2024 square

Our report equips you with the knowledge to anticipate, and mitigate the latest threats including:

Compromised credit card trends

Physical products on the underground

Messaging platforms and underground forums

Vulnerabilities and exploits

Initial access trends

Malware and ransomware trends

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